


In the early years, our teachers utlise a Little Learners Love Literacy approach to reading instruction whilst as they progress through the years and have learned all of the letters and sounds of the English language, or ‘cracked the code’ as we say, then we begin to utilise a CAFÉ framework.


Little Learners Love Literacy


Little Learners Love Literacy is a systematic synthetic phonics program. Through Little Learners Love Literacy, our teachers focus on phonemic awareness, the alphabetic code (phonics), vocabulary and linking the teaching of reading, spelling and writing.


Evidence-based literacy research stresses the importance of explicit and sequential literacy teaching from the beginning. Through using Learners Love Literacy, we ensure that this is happening in Foundation from Day 1, giving children the best possible chance of being fluent readers, writers and spellers.



CAFÉ Reading


The Literacy CAFE System provides teachers with a way to maximize student understanding of the four key components of successful reading through the use of the CAFE Menu. CAFE is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expand Vocabulary.


By focusing on the four key components of successful reading: Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary, and providing strategies to support each goal, the CAFE System is an efficient and effective way to assess, instruct, and monitor student progress in Reading.


The system helps teachers establish and track the strengths and goals of each child by providing a structure for conferring by;

  • organising assessment data and using it to inform instruction;
  • maximising time with students in whole-group, small-group, and one-on-one settings;
  • engaging students, fostering ownership and accountability to reach goals; and
  • developing a common language to talk about reading development and proficiency.


© Garfield Primary School