The Physical Education Program offered at Garfield Primary School follows the Victorian Curriculum and focuses on developing motor skills, participation in physical activity and sport education. The children are progressively taught the motor skill components involved in catching, kicking, running, vertical jump, overhand throw, ball bounce, leap, dodge, forehand strike and two-hand side-arm strike. They then apply these skills in increasingly complex major games and activities.
At Garfield we offer weekly Senior Sport sessions for Year 3-6 and our famous Garfield Football League competition is held during Terms 2 & 3. We have Swimming and Athletics Carnivals based around our Green and Gold House system. Swimming lessons, provided by trained swimming instructors, give our students a very valuable introduction to water safety.
Garfield Primary School also offers a Perceptual Motor Program for F-2 students. Perception is the most important factor in a child’s understanding of themselves and their environment. This program enables the interpretation of what is seen, heard and felt through movement and motor experiences. It aims to develop perceptions of time, space, pattern and order.
© Garfield Primary School