DS Sports provides adventurous and stimilutating Before & After School Care Programs ina a safe and inclusive environment. During our OSHC, children participate ina range of activities that use an approach called "Explore Zones". Free Zones include students to expore a multitude of zones set up in the OSHC space. DS Zones are a place for growth and nuture the building of life-time skills. Our zones incorporate health, play/leisure, language, real life connections, and promotes the building of positive releationships with peers and our staff.
The programme is fully stocked with modern resources that appeal to a wide range of interests and ages. A delicious and nutritious breakfast is provided until 8:30 am each morning with Afternoon tea provided which will be a student choice menu.
Before Care: 6:30 am until Bell
After Care: Bell until 6:00 pm
Email: GarfieldOSHC@sportdsptyltd.org
Phone: 0423 970 703
Naomi Perry
Email: dsinschools@gmail.com
Phone: 0409 290 729
© Garfield Primary School