School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support

At Garfield Primary School our values and behaviour management falls under the banner of “Aim for the Stars”.


Our values are:



​‘Aim for the Stars’ is based upon a framework known as the School Wide Positive Behaviour System (SWPBS) which has been researched by experts in behaviour.  SWPBS is a whole-school framework which helps schools to create positive learning environments. As a school (staff, students, parents and school council) we have developed our framework based on some underlying ideas. These are:

  • Recognising, acknowledging and celebrating positive behaviours
  • Prevention of problem behaviours by:
  • Teaching students the skills to be safe, respectful and a learner
  • Documenting problem behaviours, recording this as data and using the data to identify areas we need to build on
  • Implementing consistent and agreed upon consequences for problem behaviours, which are also documented and communicated as required with home.

Our SWPBS Team meets weekly to address student needs, analyse our behaviour data and responses to behaviours, and this directs our need for celebrations and explicit teaching in upcoming Peer Group sessions.

Students meet with their Peer Group twice per term, consisting of mixed year levels and a staff member, with the aim to celebrate positive behaviours and prevent problem behaviours by revising and explicitly teaching the necessary skills.



© Garfield Primary School